The Sephardic Community Alliance was established in 2008 to reinforce and preserve the traditional Sephardic way of life of our ancestors based on the principles set forth in our Declaration of Values. Our commitment is to serve as a platform for lay leaders to work in unison with community rabbis, institutions, and organizations in promoting the perpetuation of these values. We support all those who embrace our traditions and rich heritage and who uphold and endorse those values.
The SCA provides educational programming and resources to preserve, perpetuate, and celebrate our Sephardic values, traditions, and culture of engaging the modern world with Halakhic integrity. In partnership with our affiliate institutions, we engage the strategic challenges facing our Community through coordination, collaboration, and developing the necessary resources to address them.
The SCA stands at the intersection of our community’s members,
institutions, lay leaders and educators. We are at their service as we
address the strategic challenges we face as a community. The SCA provides
coordination, collaboration, educational programing, and resources to
advance our shared values and mutual goals.
We are committed to the observance of Halakha, as codified in the Code of Law written by R. Yosef Karo; expanded over generations by the long-standing customs and practices of our Sephardic ancestry (minhagim); and presently shaped by our rabbincal leadership. At the same time, we recognize that those whose actions may not fully conform to Halakha are deserving of our respect and guidance.
We believe that regardless of ideological or other differences, Community rabbis should treat each other and their respective congregants with respect and dignity. It follows that all Community institutions - including those whose philosophies may differ - are to be treated with respect.
In accordance with our Sephardic heritage, we consider it imperative that one should aim to prosper and grow in the practice of traditional Judaism, but also to engage with the world in a productive and creative manner.
We feel strongly that constructive change within the community will come about through education, cooperation and positive interaction rather than through coercion and through unilateral edicts.
We stand strongly in favor of higher secular education and recognize the value of a college and university education in creating a complete Observant-Jew who can function in the world at-large, fulfill his or her potential and appreciate all of God’s work.
We cherish the traditional way of life in which one combines the learning of Torah and observance of missvot together with earning a livelihood (Torah im Derekh Eress)
We recognize God’s providence in the establishment of the State of Israel, fully support its security and prosperity and, in prayer and in deed, celebrate its existence.