Alan grew up learning at Barkai Yeshivah and Yeshivah of Flatbush High School, and made the decision to continue his learning afterwards, attending Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi in Jerusalem. Alan is currently studying at NYU, and aims at attending law school in the near future.
Alan has spent time since returning from Israel involved in community work across several organizations. He worked at Barkai Yeshivah High School, coaching the Debate Team and helping with extracurricular development. He serves as Vice President of the college aged Lejends Minyan at Beth Torah, and he led the SCA Young Adult Division for over a year prior to joining the SCA Board of Directors where he spearheaded new initiatives and helped build out the program.
At NYU, Alan has tirelessly advocated for Israel, pushing NYU’s administration to protect Jewish voices, even appearing on national news. He holds a board position on multiple NYU pro-Israel clubs, is part of the NYU Senate, was an attorney on NYU’s prestigious Mock Trial team, and spent a summer working at AIPAC.
In his free time, Alan enjoys studying Torah at both The Midrash and the Sephardic Rabbinical College.