News & Announcements

Rochelle Hafif

Rochelle Hafif is a proud graduate of the Yeshivah of Flatbush. In 2021, she was honored as an Allegra Franco Scholarship recipient and spent her gap year in Israel at Midreshet Moriah, where she deepened her Judaic knowledge and strengthened her connection to the land. Rochelle is graduating from CUNY Hunter College with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and will begin her Occupational Therapy studies at SUNY Downstate this fall.

For the past three years, Rochelle has been the Head Coach of the Girls’ Junior Varsity Volleyball team at Yeshivah of Flatbush and the Assistant Coach for the Varsity team. She has also served on the SBH Young Adult Committee and regularly volunteers with the elderly, infants, and individuals with special needs whenever possible. Before joining the Sephardic Community Alliance (SCA) Board of Directors, Rochelle was—and remains—an active member of the SCA Young Adult Division, leading initiatives such as the Minha and a Message series and the Bridge the Gap three-part series. She is passionate about creating opportunities for young adults to grow religiously and socially beyond high school and is deeply committed to SCA’s mission.

Outside of tutoring, studying, and volunteering, Rochelle enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, learning at the Allegra Franco Bet Midrash, staying active, and exploring new places through travel.